eBay SEO Is Changing and the 2024 Summer Seller Update
eBay SEO 101

eBay SEO Is Changing and the 2024 Summer Seller Update

While in the past a listing had to be in eBay’s back-end category in order to show up at all, today things are happening differently.  Instead of limiting its visible search results to a single category, eBay is now favoring items that have been listed in that category.  Your listing’s product category directly impacts its ability to rank. […]

Dave Snyder, List Rank Sell
eBay SEO 101

The eBay SEO Interview that Caused a Stir

eBay sellers are consistently inundated with misinformation, as well as “expert” advice that is incessantly repetitive.  And that fact doesn’t just apply to eBay SEO. It involves the majority of what we’re told in ecommerce.  But it’s particularly bad in the industry I care about the most. […]