Our services typically pay for themselves in just 1 to 3 sales.

Hands-on Optimization Plans

Hire us to greatly improve the SEO of your eBay store and listings.




Most aggressive plan

Fastest pace

Stresses immediate velocity

Fully optimized listings

40 Dedicated hours

3 Hours free

Month-to-month billing




Aggressive plan

Fast pace

Focused on increased velocity

Fully optimized listings

28 Dedicated hours

2 Hours free

Month-to-month billing




Conservative plan

Medium pace

Emphasizes testing

Fully optimized listings

20 Dedicated hours

1 Hour free

Month-to-month billing




Most conservative plan

Slowest pace

Primary concern is testing

Fully optimized listings

12 Dedicated hours

No free hours

Month-to-month billing

Pricing Table

Ads Only Management Packages

Engage us to manage your eBay ads and other forms of eBay marketing.

Ads Only



Comprehensive ads exposure

eBay PPC, PPS, Offsite, Store

Focused on eBay PPC ads

All forms of micromarketing

20 Dedicated hours

Analytics reporting

Prepaid monthly billing

Ads Only



Improved ads exposure

eBay PPS, Offsite, Store

Explores PPC ad possibilities

Focused on micromarketing

12 Dedicated hours

Analytics monitoring

Prepaid monthly billing

Ads Only



Baseline ads exposure

eBay PPS, Offsite, Store

No PPC ads included

Limited micromarketing

Six dedicated hours

Analytics review 

Prepaid monthly billing

Pricing Table

eBay SEO Analysis Products

Purchase an eBay SEO audit or private review video.

eBay SEO



Forensic analysis service

Professional, hand-written audit

Actionable SEO steps

Specific to your eBay store

40 Pages in length

Secure PDF format

eBay SEO



Conversational analysis service

Private YouTube video

Actionable SEO steps

Specific to your eBay store

90 Minutes in length

MPEG-4 File also provided

Pricing Table


Service prices are never subject to increase for existing and returning clients.