List Rank Sell’s exclusive SEO analysis products for serious eBay businesses.
We offer a wide selection of services specific to eBay. Our cost-effective eBay SEO audit and review solutions examine the practice of search engine optimization as it is applied to a specific eBay store.
We highly recommend sellers review this entire document prior to purchasing an analysis service.
Once they have done so, we encourage potential clients to contact us with specific questions.
eBay SEO Audit
Our exhaustive audit service provides an individualized, forensic SEO analysis of a client’s eBay store based on our proven expertise in the field of eBay SEO.
In contrast to some SEO audits, our audit product is not automated or “boilerplate” in nature. Each report is individually researched and handwritten in accordance with the needs of the specific client.
The eBay SEO Audit measures the client’s product market on eBay according to our proprietary Condition Sales Rate and Demand Sales Rate, reviews the client’s fundamental strengths and weaknesses, addresses each instance of “black hat” eBay-specific SEO (typically unknown to the client), and provides actionable instructions to correct the client’s eBay SEO.
Additionally, the audit includes a breakdown of the top three “Best Match” ranking factors as well as a discussion of the three critical historical eBay events that continue to affect eBay sales today.
A period of 60 days is extended for answering questions specific to the audit.
- Length: 40 pages.
- Format: Secure PDF.
- Time required: 15 business days.
- Total cost: USD 957.
eBay SEO Review
Our eBay SEO Review service, a private video provided via YouTube, is our most popular analysis product.
Conversational in style, this content-heavy video focuses squarely on the client’s eBay store and covers much of the same material as the audit service — including an analysis of the client’s product market on eBay, a breakdown of any “black hat” eBay-specific SEO, and actionable steps to directly improve the SEO of the client’s eBay store.
The eBay SEO Review video was initially designed to provide detailed answers to specific client questions that could not be fully addressed in a consultation setting. It still features a segment at the end for answering client written questions.
However, as the service gained in popularity due to its informal and easy-to-understand format, it grew into a legitimate — albeit less comprehensive — alternative to the eBay SEO Audit.
The private video is viewable on YouTube for 12 months, and a period of 30 days is provided for answering client questions specific to the video. Upon request, it is also made available in MPEG-4 format.
- Length: Approximately 90 minutes.
- Format: YouTube and MPEG-4.
- Time required: 10 business days.
- Total cost: USD 783.